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Version: 6.22.0

Yandex Metrica Settings

You can use Yandex Metrica to track Сhat events. The Chat widget automatically sends a number of events to Yandex Metrica based on customer requests to the Chat.

Counter Connection

Create a counter in Yandex Metrica. Enter the name of the counter and the address of the website where you want to place the counter. Yandex Metrica will then generate a counter code. From the code received, you need a counter initialization block (the ym method), which takes three arguments: the counter number, the function name and the parameters:

ym(9760117, "init", { clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true });

In the Chat settings, add the settings block to the webchat section:

"yaMetrika": {
"account": <account>,
"options": <options>

Replace the account field value with the counter number, and the options field value with the parameters:

"yaMetrika": {
"account": 9760117,
"options": { clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true }

Chat Events

You can manually set a number of goals to be displayed in Yandex Metrica. To do this, create a "JavaScript event" goal, select "Matches" in the goal ID and specify the event you want to track. List of events:

  • ednaCC_Chat_established: the conversation between the customer and the operator has been established.
  • ednaCC_Offline_message_sent: the customer has sent an offline message.
  • ednaCC_User_gave_contacts_during_chat: the customer has completed the welcome form.
  • ednaCC_Offline_form_shown: the feedback form is displayed to the customer in the unavailable Chat mode.
  • ednaCC_Invitation_shown: an invitation to the Chat is displayed to the customer.
  • ednaCC_Invitation_rejected: the customer has closed the Chat invitation.
  • ednaCC_Invitation_accepted: the customer has opened the Chat with a visible invitation to the Chat.
  • ednaCC_Chat_requested: the customer has opened the Chat without an invitation to the Chat.
  • ednaCC_Quick_reply_clicked: the customer has pressed one of the bot's quick response buttons.