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Version: 4.20.0



  • Changed the logic of counting unread notifications, now welcome messages from the chatbot are not taken into account in the new dialog.

Bugs fixes

  • Fixed issue with SSL Pinning setup.
  • Updated libsqlcipher (connection issues on some devices).
  • Fixed a behavior where a notification of a new message was not received if the client minimized the application.
  • Fixed "blinking" when displaying the button to quickly jump to the end of the conversation.
  • Returned the chatSystemMessageTextColor parameter in the ChatStyle class.
  • Fixed a behavior where chatbot quick response buttons were not always displayed.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if the incoming message contained the ">" symbol.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if the chatbot sent a message with quick reply buttons but no message text.
  • Fixed several other crashes.


  • Level API 21 (Lollipop) or higher

  • Android 5.0 or higher

  • Jetpack (AndroidX) that includes the following versions is used:

  • v7.0.4 or newer

  • compileSdkVersion 30 or newer

  • Backend ednaChatCenter version 4.0 or higher

  • Datastore ednaChatCenter version 14 or higher (history v14)

Main dependencies

  • Material Components 1.4.0
  • Retrofit 2.9.0
  • RxJava 2.2.21
  • Picasso 2.8
  • SqlCipher 4.5.2
  • Sqlite 2.0.1